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Devil Dash

About Devil Dash


Devil Dash is a fast-paced platformer game that brings a series of challenging obstacles. Jump and dash your way through devil platforms and challenging levels.

How to play Devil Dash

Devil Dash game

The game works like Level Devil. Players take on the role of a black square and traverse various levels. The goal is simple. Navigate the character to reach the end of each level. To accomplish a level, you need to move, avoid traps, jump over gaps, and defeat the enemies. Some obstacles may appear surprisingly. So you need to be always prepared for that. It's not the end if you are not at the exit gate!

At first, when you enter the game, you may think that it's safe to move toward the exit door. But it's not! You will never know what and where the traps are hidden. There can be sudden drops, shifting tiles, moving spikes, and more. You need to be careful and react quickly to obstacles.

Each level has a unique environment, obstacles, and enemies. Mind your step and do not rush. The unexpected trap may appear out of nowhere and only show up when you are close to it.


WASD or Arrows to move.

Up arrow/ W/ Spacebar to jump.

What you can get from Devil Dash game are thrilling platformer gameplay, various levels, and stunning visuals. The game will challenge your reflexes with unexpected traps, gaps, and more. There is always a twist in each level!

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