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Uno Online

About Uno Online


Uno Online is a card game where players must match cards by color or number and be the first one to clear all of the cards in their hand. 

How to play Uno Online game

Types of cards

  • Number cards: (80 in deck) - Cards with numbers from 0 to 9 in blue, green, yellow, or red.
  • Action cards: These cards will mix the game up.

Draw two card: (8 in deck) - This card forces the next player to select two cards and forfeit the turn.

Skip card (8 in deck) - This card stops the next players.

Reverse card (8 in deck) - This card switches the game wise.

  • Wild cards

Wild card (4 in deck) - It can be placed on any card at any time and lets players change the color to play.

Wild draw four (4 in deck) - A special wild that lets players change the color and force the next player to pick 4 cards. Players must have no other alternative cards to be able to use this card.


The game features a total of 108 cards. Cards are made up of numbers from 0 to 9 and have four different colors including red, green, blue, and yellow. Each color consists of 19 cards.
30% of the cards are action cards and wild cards.

The goal of the game is to get rid of all of the cards in your hand before the opponents. To do that, you must match the color or the number of the card at the center of the game.

At the beginning, each player will have 7 cards. During a turn, players can draw the card that matches the card at the center in terms of color, number, or simple. Or you can play a wild card or a wild draw four card.

Remember to press the 1 button when you have only one card left. Otherwise, the opponent will do this and you will need to draw two cards.

You can play the game with two, three, or four players! Uno is a fantastic card game to play with friends and family!

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