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Smile Rush

About Smile Rush


Smile Rush is a unique running game about teeth. You will enter the journey to collect teeth and overcome obstacles to keep teeth from decaying. You are responsible for maintaining a spotless smile by removing debris, gum, and decayed teeth. You can test yourself on various levels throughout the game to improve your abilities. To earn the maximum possible score in each level, try to collect as many teeth as possible while keeping them white.

Tips in the game Smile Rush

  • Choosing clean teeth is better than choosing teeth that are broken or blocked by gum, debris, or screws. You will lose time and points if your teeth are dirty.
  • See how people without teeth present themselves. You should choose teeth that match their color if they smile. If they're depressed, picking up teeth that are a different color from theirs will cheer them up.
  • Use dental aids to speed up cleaning your teeth and improve your skills, such as a toothbrush, toothpaste, or mouthwash.

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