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Run 2

About Run 2


Welcome to the game Run 2, start your adventure with the little alien. Your challenge in this game is to control the alien on a path of holes in space.

Game genre

Run 2 belongs to the endless running game genre. The player will control a character, usually a cube, to overcome obstacles and maintain balance on the way to space.

Features of Run 2

Simple graphics: The game's graphic design is basic cubes. The space's color is black, while the path is gray with cubes.

Many levels and challenges: Run 2 offers many different levels with increasing complexity to attract players.

Unique character: The character in the game is an alien with a cute little shape. He moves by running short steps combined with jumping.

How to Play Run 2

Control the alien character using the left/right arrows to move sideways.

To jump over gaps in space, the player presses the up arrow. Press repeatedly to jump higher or farther.

Jump at the right time to clear gaps and obstacles. Jumping a little early will help you adjust.

If possible, use the walls to jump and gain momentum. This will help you cover a longer distance.

Replay the levels to familiarize yourself with the layout and arrangement of obstacles. This will allow you to react faster the next time you play. You can also play its sequel Run 3.

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